2019 Ministry Fair


Become involved in your parish!

It’s that time of year again when students return to school and CCD classes begin. Which means this is a great time to become involved in our church community. The perfect opportunity is right in front of you - the annual Ministry Fair!

When: Sunday, Nov. 10th after the 9:00 am Mass

Where: Vrabley Hall (church basement)

Do you want a role in shaping the future of our parish? Children are our future, and we could use some more teachers in the Religious Education program. If you can spare 1 hour on Sundays (10:00 am to 11:00 am), we would greatly appreciate it. This is entirely a volunteer position.

If you do not want to commit to a large responsibility, perhaps you might like to volunteer with the Liturgical Ministry to do the Mass readings once a month.

Maybe you would like to become an Eucharistic minister. It takes minimal training to assist the pastor and deacon in bestowing the blood and body of Christ to your fellow parishioners. Nonetheless, it is a very important role in the Mass.

Can you carry a tune in a bucket? Then our choir wants you! No prior choral experience or music sight-reading skills required. You only need a willingness to learn and the passion to sing. Choir practice meets in the church choir pews (North side stairs) at 7:00 pm on Thursdays and sings at the 9:00 am Sunday Mass. Choir takes a break during the summer.

Do you want to make a difference in the downtown Hammond community? Then the Manna for Hammond Soup Kitchen or Saint Vincent De Paul Society may be the right fit for you.

Are you a woman of action? Then you may want to become a member of the Altar & Rosary society.

Are you a man who wants to help support this parish? The Holy Name Society would welcome any gentleman who are looking to become involved.

If you are a senior and want to enjoy our parish family, we have a social group called Alive After 55 that is all about fun.

Lindy Hernandez